HoneyPro Vet
Veterinary Herbal Apothecary
Organic Pet Products

As a Senior Australian Veterinarian for over 30 years, Dr Joan Deetman has a wealth of experience to bring in all aspects of large & small animal medicine. Along with a long solid history in the equine industry, Joan has always had a passion for cosmetic wound healing in her clinical cases. Honey, in particular, has been a favourite component, an important addition to the process of healing.
"To return a wounded animal body to its natural state, without scars, with normal functioning tissue, brings a great satisfaction to my veterinary work. "
Dr Joan Deetman
Joan has brought Integrative Veterinary Medicine into her daily practice, through study & practice in Veterinary Western Herbal Medicine, Traditional Veterinary Medicine plus the use of Complementary Therapies such as Therapeutic Laser Therapy, Myofascial Therapy & Body Work for horses, dogs, cats & farm animals.
Veterinary Western Herbal Medicine (VWHM) provides a vast array of complementary medical therapies we can use alongside Traditional Veterinary therapy, allowing us to provide optimum health for our animals. Many of these therapies have stood the test of time and it is surprising how many of these complementary therapies we already use, being well accepted & used on a daily basis.
Honey, for example, needs no introduction as a well respected, efficient ingredient to our wound healing protocols. Clay poultices - used regularly as poultices for bruising in horses hooves & for decreasing limb swelling. The benefits of the oceans produce - seaweed, algae, fish oil - all commonly used regularly.
By applying careful research & our scientific knowledge to the study of VWHM, we can develop, supply & complement our traditional treatment plans for a wide variety of veterinary conditions. Increasing education, research & clinical knowledge in VWHM provides a platform for development of this field of medicine.
Joan has thus developed the HoneyPro Vet range of therapeutic products to add to the pharmaceutical range of treatments used in clinic daily in Traditional Veterinary therapy. In addition, Dr Joan makes full use of Complementary Therapies such a Therapeutic Laser Therapy.
Dr Joan lives on her property in Serpentine Western Australia, working in her clinic Silverson Vet Clinic.
With a long solid background in the Equine industry, Joan continues to be involved professionally and personally in Equine competitions. More Information about Dr Joan at: www.silversonvet.com.au

Bachelor Science
Bachelor Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (1991)
Graduate Diploma Tertiary & Adult Education
VWHM (Cert)
Graduate Diploma VWHM (Current)
FEI 3 * Official Equine Veterinarian (Ret.)
Essentials of Veterinary Western Herbal Medicine
Certification in Veterinary Natural Nutrition
Western Herbs in the Treatment of Equine Gastric Glandular Disease
Essential Oils
Cannabinoids in Vet Medicine